Thursday, October 21, 2010

Decay Thursday

@scotty yelling

@scotty yelling

Hell -o_o-

Today I will start out with something
Very Odd

Scary Optical Illusion

@scotty yelling

 This is quite possibly the scariest optical illusion ever ! Do you see some women looking at themselves in a mirror... or is it the devil staring right out at you! Definitely a scary optical illusion right out of a haunted house or a horror movie! Boo!Stare at the picture, but squint your eyes... In this case, you'll notice the scary face/figure pop out much more, since the facial features are much larger than the women's' small faces. As you squint, you'll see their figures fade into the background, and you'll see the scary devil face pop right out at you with his evil smile. If you squint for long enough, you'll notice that it looks like he has a dark, black beard and dark, mean eyebrows pointing down.This also works if you look at the picture from across the room. The farther away you get, the scarier and more frightening it becomes.I Bet you thought i was going to put in one of those stupid pop-up pics hun ROFL :)



"I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Squishy." * Winks :)

@scotty yelling
That was RANDOM HUH :)

Halloween Ghost Pictures from days gone by...
@scotty yelling
@scotty yelling
@scotty yelling
@scotty yelling

@scotty yelling

@scotty yelling

@scotty yelling

@scotty yelling

@scotty yelling

@scotty yelling
Though many of the pictures are simply people in costume from Halloween, these
photos can seem just as creepy as some ghost pictures we've seen.  There are a
couple spirit photographs thrown into the collection.Is it me, or were Halloween
ghost and goblin pictures taken in times past more creepier than the costumes used today?


A strange legend surrounds a railroad crossing just south of San Antonio, Texas. The intersection of roadway and railroad track, so the story goes, was the site of a tragic accident in which several school-aged children were killed - but their ghosts linger at the spot and will push idled cars across the tracks, even though the path is uphill. It appears to be a little girl carrying a teddy bear.

@scotty yelling

Specter of Newby Church ( Looks Like Scream to me ) 

@scotty yelling
This photograph was taken in 1963 by Reverend K. F. Lord at Newby Church in North Yorkshire, England. It has been a controversial photo because it is just too good. The shrouded face and the way it is looking directly into the camera makes it look like it was posed – a clever double exposure. Yet supposedly the photo has been scrutinized by photo experts who say the image is not the result of a double exposure.

Vacation Party Ghost
@scotty yelling
These two photos were taken in 1988 at the Hotel Vierjahreszeiten in Maurach, Austria. Several vacationers gathered for a farewell party at the hotel and decided to take a group photo. One of the party, Mr. Todd, set up is Canon film camera on a nearby table and pointed it at the group. (The table is the white band at the bottom of the photos.) He set the self-timer on the camera and hurried back to the table. The shutter clicked and the film wound forward, but the flash did not fire. So Todd set the camera for a second shot. This time the flash fired.

Decebal Hotel Ghost

@scotty yelling
Authorities have warned people to stay away from the Decebal Hotel -- because construction was taking place on the 150-year-old building. What they didn't warn people about was the ghost. The spirit of a tall woman in a long white frock has long been reported at the spa. The hotel in Romania is rumored to hide ancient Roman treasure, and the ghost, it is said, appears to protect it from treasure hunters.

Godfather's Pizza Ghost 
They had GodFather pizza back then ROFL
this pic looks mass old.
@scotty yelling
Several unnerving instances of ghost and poltergeist activity were reported by the management, staff, and customers of the Godfather's Pizza restaurant in Ogden, Utah in 1999-2000.

•The sighting of several spirits, including those of a man, a woman, and two boys
•A jukebox that played by itself, even when unplugged
•A tile floor that inexplicably bulged up as high as ten inches, then leveled itself; a later examination showed nothing out of the ordinary beneath the tile and the concrete was intact
•As many as 40 fluorescent light tubes flew out of their boxes and smashed on the floor
•Mysterious whistling was heard from the kitchen several times.

The restaurant might have been built upon a very old pauper's field -- a cemetery for the poor. It also resulted in this photo, taken by Merry Barrentine,  general manager, in 2000. This misty apparition was actually seen with the naked eye for a few seconds as it materialized in the middle of the room.

 Ok Ghost Lesson is over :) ANNNNND NOWWWWw
@scotty yelling

Halloween Costume Gone Bad

Whether dressing up for halloween or a fancy dress party try to get it right a costume that actualy fits you is a very good idea, get it right and people will talk about your costume for years to come, get it wrong and people will ridicule you forever.

@scotty yelling
Now we know how Elvis managed to hit those high notes.
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Spiderman lets it all hang out
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The first Three got it wrong can the next three do any better, hell yes!
these are the most imaginitive costumes i have ever seen.

True love baaaaaaah
@scotty yelling
Hooters girls retirement party
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@scotty yelling
 Hey What Can I Say Another Slow Day Bloggin' ROFL >.<


@scotty yelling

The Unborn (2009)
@scotty yelling
LOL No Real Quotes for this one but here ya go...
Matty Newton: Jumby wants to be born now.

Romy: Fuck off you little shit.

Yep Really That is alllllll the Quotes , I Looked I swear .

Some Pics From The Movie To Make Up For It :)
@scotty yelling

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@scotty yelling
@scotty yelling Why Because I CAN :) I Don't know How This Pic    Got In LOL :)

Going To Go Work On A Metallica Tour Poster , Will Post it when I am Done So You Can Have A SNEEK PEEK  :)

@scotty yelling

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