Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hummmm ??

@scotty yelling

@scotty yelling

Hello folk :) Hope Every Had A Nice Holiday

I Think for Todays Blog I Will Do It All Pink And Pretty , No Really I have A Reason Bare With Me :) As my Readers know My step Mom was Diagnosed with Breast Cancer in Dec. ( She is Doing Well and Looks Great ) She sent A Pic The other Day :) As my dad would Say she is strong ( stubborn ) keepin him on his toes I bet ( You GO Girl) :)
What is it with This BC !! I mean I have Said It Has No EYES and NO FRIENDS
That said I am Awww again to Find Out Another family Member has been
Diagnosed With BC and is Due For Surgery  some time in Feb.
Our Hearts and Prayers are With You Mer !! :) I had a Whole
Thing Writen Down for here to say but I just wanna Let her
Know we all Love and Care For her So FROM ME TO YOU
"Stay Strong and Positive and Know That we are Thinking of You"

I found a neat Forum really Good PPL there take a Look Here
Breast Cancer Forum

Why do I Bring Up This Forum Well Let Me Tell You ,
I was Reading About Things in the Forum and I came
across this post where a lady had asked MATTEL to
do a cancer Barbie For her Daughter that had lost her
hair From the chemo Mattle did and the lady was happy...
..... Right ... of Course Don't be silly, But then came a 
Group of ppl that said A bald Barbie is wrong...
WTF !! Any Hoot I will try To put the story as it goes
Bare with me here :)

There are Two Sides To Ever Story.. This ONE HAS 3

Yeah, Mattel…Why Isn’t There A Bald Barbie?

There have been countless Barbies sold since they first hit shelves in 1959 and while you’ve got your run of the mill versions there have also been numerous special edition Barbies. Things like their holiday Barbies, Barbies made to look like Hollywood stars etc. Well one group is now asking Mattel, makers of the famous doll line, to create a bald Barbie for children who have lost their hair due to cancer or other illnesses. And we’re here to say, Mattel, what’s taken you so long? 

Beckie Sypin, a co-founder of the cause, recently spoke with about the movement on its Facebook page , “Bald and Beautiful Barbie.” She told them, “We hope it gets the message out that being bald is beautiful and is no big deal.  There’s no need to cover up.”

Sypin’s 12-year-old daughter Kin Inich lost her hair after chemotherapy treatment but cancer is not the only condition she hopes to help and spread awareness about, alopecia and trichotillomania are two others. “She said if they make one, she would totally get it,” Sypin said of her daughter’s thoughts on the subject.  “The first thing said was if they make that doll, she would buy a bunch and take them to a children’s hospital and give them to children with cancer.”

Jane Bingham is Sypin’s friend and the other co-founder of the Facebook page. She lost her hair while undergoing treatment for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. “My daughter had some difficulty accepting me going from a long-haired blonde to a bald woman,” she wrote in a blog, saying a bald Barbie could be a great way for young girls to cope with hair loss that happens to them or someone they know.

It seems like a no-brainer to me. After all, Mattel has sold special edition Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Barbies, designed by Robert Best, in order to raise money and awareness ($2.50 is donated to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation for each doll sold, with a guaranteed minimum donation of $25,000). But not everyone is behind them. Some have suggested simply shaving or cutting the hair off of an already purchased Barbie. Here’s what that looks like.
@scotty yelling
Thanks, but no thanks, they say. They’d prefer something specially made for the cause, something more like this.
@scotty yelling
According to WCBS, Mattel made a one-of-a-kind bald Barbie for a 4-year-old cancer patient in New York last year. So it seems they aren’t opposed to the idea but perhaps they’re not ready to have their brand, forever associated with perfect beauty, be associated with something they don’t find attractive. I could be wrong of course but I’m not sure why they wouldn’t consider it. Though Sypin did receive a reply from Mattel who told her they do not accept ideas from outside sources. A lot of manufacturers take this stance to protect themselves from potential law suits of course but something tells me Sypin isn’t in this to get rich.

If the doll gets made, Sypin says the proceeds would go to a children’s cancer charity. “The women also started a ‘Bald G.I. Joe Movement’ Facebook page to help young boys dealing with baldness.  The women said so far, the response from Hasbro, G.I. Joe’s manufacturer, has been positive,” according to ABC who also attempted to reach out to Hasbro and Mattel but have yet to get a response. “We hope either Mattel does look at it and says okay, or that another company will pick up on the idea.” she said. After all, not everyone approves of Barbie dolls in the first place, so another company would be a viable option, but the visibility, marketing and brand name that goes along with them would certainly be a big advantage.
Lots of users are sharing their and their loved ones cancer stories on the Facbook page and showing their support to help get the doll made. So far, the Facebook campaign has already generated more than 50,000 likes calling for a bald Barbie doll which they say will help boost the self esteem in women and children experiencing hair loss from cancer treatment, pulling one's hair out and other diseases that cause the immune system to attack hair follicles. I say Cool.... As Long as it goes To cancer
Research and helps Patients. Then There is this Lady ...

We’re all familiar with Barbie and her fine attributes.
But I’d like to stress here, I’m not opposed to Barbie dolls. If they are/were your or your child’s forte, that’s fine with me. It really is.And for the record, I’d also like to mention I do have a daughter. She never was into dolls period. Never wanted a Barbie. Never received a Barbie.Recently there has been a lot of buzz about Mattel possibly mass producing a Cancer Bald Barbie. There has even been a Facebook petition drive going on to persuade Mattel to do so. So far Mattel has resisted, stating they don’t generally send unsolicited toy ideas to their toy designers. In this case, I think Mattel is doing the right thing by not proceeding.After visiting one of the Bald Barbie Facebook pages, (yes, there are several) I guess I must be in the minority on this one, but here goes…

The mission as stated on their Facebook page is as follows:
“We would like to see a Beautiful and Bald Barbie made to help young girls who suffer from hair loss due to cancer treatments, Alopecia or Trichotillomania. Also, for young girls who are having trouble coping with their mother’s hair loss from chemo. Although I believe those hopping onto the “Bald Barbie bandwagon” do have the best intentions, I still can’t quite get behind the idea of a bald cancer Barbie and I’m not even entirely sure why not. I do know I don’t like the mixed messages such a doll might give.

Such as?
Primarily, because there’s nothing “normal” about having cancer, especially when you’re a child, and no doll, bald or otherwise is going to change that fact. It doesn’t matter how many bald dolls you surround a child with, that child will still know she is not “normal.”

And choosing Barbie as a “normal” role model seems pretty ridiculous to me somehow.
Is Barbie the best choice here?
For example, I would feel a lot more comfortable with this whole idea if instead of Barbie, her little sister Skipper was chosen to be the bald cancer doll in the Barbie line-up. That’s an idea I could maybe get behind.
A child-like doll for a childhood illness makes way more sense to me. Such a doll would also make the statement that children do indeed get cancer.In addition to Bald Barbie, there is a “BC Joe” or "Brave GI Joe" cancer doll idea also being tossed around.

@scotty yelling

Why does the boy cancer doll get to be called brave? Can’t Bald Barbie be brave too? Why is the female version of this plan primarily focused on hair and outer beauty?Doesn’t that bother others? It bothers me. In addition, call me cynical, but in my view this is also another example of the disease of cancer potentially being turned into yet another way to make a buck. It makes me uncomfortable to see profits being made directly from selling cancer merchandise, especially toys.The cancer industry is alive and well, but in toyland? I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before bald Barbie makes her appearance on store shelves.People will undoubtedly find Bald Barbie packaged up in a beautifully adorned box with cancer ribbons, probably gold ones because gold ones represent childhood cancer. Parents and others will dig into their pockets and buy Bald Barbie. On top of “helping little girls with cancer to feel beautiful,” they will also have made their cancer donations. They will have accomplished two good deeds in one.

Sounds good on the surface doesn’t it?

But who is really going to benefit?
Is the little girl who has cancer really going to feel more normal and beautiful by playing with Bald Barbie? Is this really a doll’s job? Even more importantly, is Bald Barbie going to bring the little girl with cancer any closer to a cure?

I’ve never had a child with cancer. In my opinion, a child with cancer does not need a token bald doll. In my opinion, what a child with cancer does need is less harsh cancer treatment options. That child needs hope for a normal life span. That child needs a cure. Her family may be in dire financial straits. They may or may not have medical insurance. They may have huge travel, living and medical expenses. They may have to take time away from work. They may need help caring for other children in the family. They may need psychological counseling. The list of things they may need is endless.Wouldn’t it make more sense for Mattel (or anyone) to give or keep giving directly to a cancer research organization or other charities that provide direct help to those affected by childhood cancers?Finally, do you really believe Mattel would donate a significant amount of any profits it might make from Bald Barbie to cancer facilities or cancer research? Again, call me skeptical, but I don’t believe they would. And even if “painted gold,” it still feels like more “pinkwashing” of cancer to me.I happen to believe little girls (and boys) with cancer deserve more.


 The of Course As You Have Read Mattle Has Said No ( That is The 3rd Part )  To Read It all Is Just Like Wow, I mean So Many Different Views and Thoughts Any Hoot I just wanted To Put This Out Hope You Enjoyed Reading :) 

@scotty yelling

Ohhhh Shit I forgot to add This Lady's Blog  Very Nice Lady With Good Ways to look at Things
If and when You are Ready 
Start With Her Archives as she is moving and trust me ... Well Just trust me


@scotty yelling

@scotty yelling

@scotty yelling

@scotty yelling

I will Do My Movie Review and other stuff next blog I ran out of time

@scotty yelling

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